Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday, Super Bowl, School

Kittyboy was so spectacularly good in church today - we only left once, and that was to go to the bathroom. Such a good boy! Books, not toys, are the key! He's also learned how to kneel on a kneeler!
YEAH SAINTS!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! Sooooo very very very happy. The Colts beat the Bears, the Saints beat the Colts, all is right with the world. Plus, as a Cubbie, I have to love a team that hadn't yet BEEN to the Super Bowl, AND WON their first ever time.
Husband is trying to track down something called "Clorox Anywhere" as part of Kittyboy's school supply list. Apparently that's hard to find. Tomorrow morning, I have to figure out what to DO with two and a half hours toddler-less. I just can't think of anything...

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