Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday of Orthodoxy!

Grabbed the above picture with my phone after church was over, of Kittyboy with his St. Patrick icon. He has bread in his mouth, which is why he didn't smile, which I found out afterwards when I asked him to smile! :)
Last year, we couldn't get him to hold his icon facing out, because then he couldn't see it, and what was the point if he couldn't see it? So this morning we practiced at home, holding it UP and OUT so EVERYONE could see St. Patrick! And he walked holding his daddy's finger and was very good.

"As the Prophets beheld,
As the Apostles taught,
As the Church received,
As the Teachers dogmatized,
As the Universe agreed,
As Grace illumined,
As the Truth revealed,
As falsehood passed away,
As Wisdom presented,
As Christ awarded,

Thus we declare,
Thus we assert,
Thus we proclaim Christ our true God
and honor His saints,

In words,
In writings,
In thoughts,
In sacrifices,
In churches,
In holy icons.

On the one hand, worshiping and reverencing Christ as God and Lord.
And on the other hand, honoring and venerating His Saints as true servants of the same Lord.

This is the Faith of the Apostles.
This is the Faith of the Fathers.
This is the Faith of the Orthodox.
This is the Faith which has established the Universe."

I love that prayer! I want to memorize it. Maybe I should spend Lent memorizing it, with Kittyboy learning the Lord's Prayer - he's been saying bits of it with me in church.
Info on Sunday of Orthodoxy from OrthoWiki here.
Info from me (last year's post) here.
NOW it's starting to really feel like Lent - what with the first Akathist hymn (my favorite part of Lent) Friday and the procession of icons today!
Kali Sarakosti! ("a good forty days")

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