Thursday, January 22, 2009

Speech/OT rejoicing!! - mostly

My, what a complicated day at therapy this morning. I have people to call, stuff to fill out, and a book to read. All for Kittyboy!
First, we have cause for rejoicing - during therapy, we heard for the first time ever, Neigh-neigh, Baa-baa, Woof-woof, Moo-moo, and Boo (blue). All in an hour's time, just out of the clear blue sky. Opening mouth and everything. Janna, Ginny and I were just flabbergasted, and of course applauded and cheered like mad!!! Janna says to keep hitting two-syllable repetitive words really hard, because he's definitely open to that now. Woohoo!
Second, Misty (who oversees all) came in to talk about his next IFSP. She says she can already tell us "Don't be alarmed, but he is SO going to flunk this thing" (my wording, not hers) because with a standardized test, if he does not do exactly as asked the FIRST time he's asked, he gets no points on that task. And we all know Kittyboy CAN stack four blocks on top of each other, but the first time he's asked to, will he? No, he will probably stack two, pound the others on the table, and throw them. So he's going to score very low, not because he lacks the actual abilities, but because he lacks the focus required to demonstrate them on cue. And she's going to put in her report that we have all seen him do this stuff, but it's a matter of sensory processing and integration taking up soooo much brain power that it doesn't leave much to focus on other tasks. He qualifies for OT based not on his fine-motor skills, but sensory integration. Your brain can only do so much at once, and his has more to deal with than the average two-year-old's. It's the difference between surfing the internet while listening to music on the computer, and surfing the internet while two or three things are downloading AND listening to music. That's basically what he's dealing with - sensory integration is taking processing power and bandwidth, slowing things down, instead of running quietly in the background like it's supposed to. As a result, some pages open slowly, some won't load correctly, some can't be running at the same time as others.
Actually, come to think of it, that's a VERY good analogy for sensory processing dysfunction.
Thirdly, oh happy day, because he is two years old, not potty-trained, and has issues that may make that take a long time, she says we qualify for free diapers through her clinic's diaper program. From ages 2-18! He'll be trained before then. :) So I have a number to call to set that up. Another expense to cross off the list, which is MARVELOUS because I had just been thinking about how diapers get more and more expensive the larger the size. He wears on average maybe four cloth diapers a day, because he goes in disposables overnight, any time we go out, or if I try to put him down for a nap, if we're visiting or traveling, you get the idea.
Fourthly, I have two copies of the "Sensory Processing Disorder Symptom Checklist" to fill out. One I'm filling out according to what issues we saw a year ago, one is for him as he is now, so we can track his progress. I haven't actually perused the checklist in months, so it should be really interesting.
And finally, I have a booklet to study entitled, "When I'm 3, Where Will I Be?" It goes over the transition process from Early Intervention, which goes up to age 3, to school district services (should we require them). I thought it was almost a year off, but the process begins at 2 years and 6 months! So in JUNE, we'll be sitting down with our coordinator to put together a referral packet and get things started! How exciting!

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